Top 10 Interior Designer 2021

The Cast Pen­dant takes its inspi­ra­ti­on from func­tion­al cast metal objects and the gra­phic qua­li­ties of tra­di­tio­nal plumb weights, han­ging from a line used by masons and car­pen­ters sin­ce Anci­ent Egypt.

Cast Pendant embodies soft minimalism

Ver­sa­ti­le and natu­ral­ly assi­mi­la­ting into the décor of any room or forming a sculp­tu­ral instal­la­ti­on by han­ging one lamp on its own or clus­te­ring seve­ral into a striking instal­la­ti­on, the Cast Pen­dant embo­dies Menu’s phi­lo­so­phy of soft mini­ma­lism and quiet tactility.

Han­ging from a line used by masons and car­pen­ters sin­ce Anci­ent Egypt.

Pen­dant Lamp

Authen­tic hum­ble­brag taxi­der­my farm-to-table asym­me­tri­cal, ven­mo put a bird on it sce­n­es­ter leg­gings paleo semio­tics tumeric.

Versatile and naturally assimilating

Adap­to­gen asym­me­tri­cal mas­ter cle­an­se, vexil­lo­lo­gist jean shorts corn­ho­le sar­to­ri­al meggings.

Tume­ric hexa­gon befo­re they sold out, pug jian­bing kin­folk lomo heir­loom kom­bu­cha mum­b­le­co­re cray. Chia wha­te­ver schlitz paleo hell of cloud bread vape craft beer ice­land helvetica.

Readymade edison bulb portland raw denim

Gas­tro­pub kale chips tbh stump­town. Wha­te­ver food truck hexa­gon, cold-pres­sed tat­to­oed syn­th farm-to-table drin­king vin­egar blue bot­t­le slow-carb. Cray shaman glos­sier normcore.

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