Mit einfachen Lichtakzenten zum cozy Zimmer

Such is the natu­re of the Cast Light­ing Series. Desi­gners Tom Chung and Jor­dan Mur­phy based the first designs – the Cast Pen­dants – on age-old plumb weights that masons and car­pen­ters have been han­ging from lines sin­ce anci­ent Egyp­ti­an times to estab­lish a true vertical.

From the­re, the design duo evol­ved the com­pact, geo­me­tric light­ing con­cept into the Cast Scon­ce Wall Lamp, ensu­ring that no cor­ner remains wit­hout plea­sant, gla­re-free illu­mi­na­ti­on deli­ver­ed via sophisti­ca­ted, sculp­tu­ral fixtures.

The Cast Light­ing Series’ aes­the­tic pre­sence rivals its ver­sa­ti­li­ty: a suc­cessful lamp design must, after all, con­tri­bu­te to the room’s ambi­ence both when it is tur­ned on and off. 

The series also chan­nels MENU’s phi­lo­so­phy of soft mini­ma­lism, off­set­ting strict, geo­me­tric forms ren­de­red in indus­tri­al, cast alu­mi­num with a smooth, warm and tac­ti­le finish.

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